Nowadays, the replica watch market is oversaturated with Chinese items. Many of my friends have had the bad experience of ordering “great” replica watches, but received timepieces that lasted 3 months. When I asked them about the warranties their dealers had offered, they told me that they hadn’t discussed any warranties. At that point, I bought myself wondering how many customers fall into the same trap across the globe.
Naive customers that are not educated in the matter are the most appreciated by the dealers who want to deceive. I really hope that the potential buyers of replica watches will come across this review since I would like to leave reviews for as many stores as possible. I do that because I really want people to understand that a fine picture from a store is far from being the only thing to analyze. There are plenty of other criteria which have to be taken into account before placing an order for the beloved replica watch.
I have recently come across the online store. I’ll take a closer look at it and leave my personal opinion as a reference point. But, always remember to do your own investigation. You can access the most ranked sources to find the best replica watch according to your taste and preferences.
What is
This is an online store that proposes replica watches from different brands. Navigating through the store, I quickly understood that it loads fast and no errors have occurred when switching from one page to another. Therefore, the browsing is pleasant and the overall process is not interrupted by poor loading or other types of bugs.
The interface of the store is pretty nice. The overall look is not heavy. On the contrary, the homepage does not look complex and even the very beginner can easily understand the main messages of the store.
Which are the main messages?
The first thing you realize is that the store proposes diverse brands. It is about Rolex, Audemars Piguet, and other brands like Roger Dupuis, Breitling, and Patek Philippe. You conclude easily this message since the main bar on the upper side of the store indicates you so. The store includes some notorious brands, as you can see. But, unfortunately, the portfolio of brands is quite small, in my humble opinion.
Generally speaking, watch stores divide into 2 segments. The first one comprises an extremely large list of brands, so much that you can lose yourself in the tons of proposed watches. The second segment comprises stores that focus mainly on the most notorious brands and propose at least 6-7. This store, unfortunately, has a limited number. It has only 5.
Another clear message that you understand from the front page is the fact that you receive a 10% for purchasing online, you can pay via Visa and Mastercard, and the site provides fast delivery services. This information is structured right under the brands’ bar.
In my opinion, this is a good placement on the page. It catches the customer’s attention over the most important things the customer should know. On the other hand, I wish these segments were clickable. By clicking them, the customers should be redirected to a page with more details. But, the informational segments are not clickable. Therefore, you cannot find out the additional specifications.
One thing I liked about the homepage is that there are only a few watches displayed. In case you need more, you just push the “Load More” button and the listing extends. That’s great, indeed. If compared to other stores without the “Load More” button, you continuously go through the endless listing. This causes you discomfort and a bit of anger if your tagged point is to go down to the footer and analyze the warranty policies, for instance.
Conclusion over the homepage
The overall impression of the homepage is that is minimalist, yet pleasant. It contains the most important messages a customer needs. The pictures of the main banner are pretty attractive. Those from the listing are neutral. The good thing is that the photos from the listing use the same white background and this makes the eye feel comfortable.
The bad part of it is that the page doesn’t seem to be updated. There are two CTA segments, inviting the customers to explore the “Freshest Fashion Picks for 2016” and “Top 10 Must-Have Items for January”. Needless to say that we are in 2023, already, right?!
Collections and prices
The biggest collection of brands’ series is the one that appertains to Rolex. And it is clear why because the demand for Rolex replicas is the highest in the industry. The Rolex section comes with 12 collections, and the thirteenth includes the collection forLadies. The Audemars Piguet segment includes 2 collections: the Royal Oak and the Royal Oak Offshore. The rest of the 3 brands are just included in a listing of several pages which includes diverse models from different collections. As far as it seems, the Rolex collection of replica watches is far more sustainable than the other brands.
As for what goes for the store prices, we have to admit that this store is not a cheap one. All the models come with prices beginning at $1300 for the Rolex segment, and about $1250 for the rest of the brands. You cannot have the option to select the type of movement. The watches come with a default movement and you cannot opt frothier type (automatic, Swiss, or top Swiss, for example).
For instance...
If we take a Rolex Explorer as an example, we find it at $1,300. It features a 904L stainless steel case and bracelet and a heavy wrap real 18K Gold and titanium nitride on 2-tone and `gold models. The watch is equipped with an ultra-durable, in-house Swiss-made clone of the 3131 Calibre movement. The scratch-proof crystal is also Swiss-made. In addition, the dial comes with genuine Superluminova-luminous makers. As far as it seems, the quality of fine is indeed outstanding and it totally justifies the high price. We have to admit that good replica watches, with Swiss-made movements, are not a cheap guilty pleasure. For such a quality, the price is ok.
The bad part is that customers who have prepared a budget lower than $1000 for their timepiece won’t find anything suitable on this online platform. This store is for people who can afford spicy pieces, only.
The matter of waterproofness is quite promising in this online store. Most watches come with a 100 meters waterproof feature, at least for the Rolex models. In addition, the diver models from the Rolex category ensure 300 meters of water resistance. That’s a great option for divers and lovers of water activities. But again, only for those who can afford such high prices.
I’m not trying to convince you that this site is expensive. As far as I can see, there is a perfect balance between quality and prices. I’m just trying to say that prices over $1000 are statistically viewed as expensive for the major part of customers. Therefore, not every watch enthusiast is a potential buyer from this store.
Given the fact that the prices are relatively high, I wanted to know more about the warranties for these magnificent watches. I wanted to find out which warranty period and what circumstances it covers. Unfortunately, the information is missing. I didn’t find any page mentioning these details. I found a page describing the privacy terms with a lot of information. In contrast, the warranty conditions are absent. Honestly, I found this issue somehow disappointing. If I were ready to purchase a watch and give such an amount of money, I would like to know what is the warranty that the watch would function. And if it does not function, what is the probability that the store repairs it under warranty? I found no answers to those questions.
Orders and returns
Again, the page with a clear description regarding the circumstances and conditions of return is missing. The only information I found is an “Orders and Returns” page, where I have to fill in some order information and submit my request, even without having the technical possibility to explain my exact issue. That means I have to go to the contact page, to write a separate email explaining my potential desire to request a refund. In my opinion, such a structure is a little uncomfortable and unfriendly. The customer has the right to know every single detail about his order BEFORE placing the order. It’s all about transparency. If the store is not fully transparent from the warranty and returns policy points of view, I would definitely continue my research for another store.
Pros and cons of
The good side of this online platform is the accurate interface. It loads fast, the homepage is not complicated neither aesthetically nor informationally. It is great that the vendor explains the materials the watches are made of. I could conclude that the material is indeed qualitative. Therefore, if the quality is what you look for, it seems that you can find it here. The pictures of the watches show the condition of the timepieces from different angles and you can clearly see the level of manufacturing. It is great to see that the vendor proposes an instant discount with every watch you buy.
On the other hand, the lack of important pieces of information is a great mistake, in my opinion. I can’t say whether the shipping is free or not, I don’t know which countries the vendor delivers the timepieces. Simply because the information is missing. In addition, the absence of some warranty specs or return policy is what made me wonder about the credibility of this store, unfortunately. I would think twice. Don’t remember to check every single aspect of a store. It is critical for the safety of your money. In addition, you can always rely on other customers’ reviews. The top-ranked sources by real customers will help you to find the right store for you.