Review Detail

Replica Stores A admin April 15, 2022 13918
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

smooth ordering process. I didn't surf the site much, he asked the assistants directly if it was the model he wanted. in a few moments I received pictures of the watch I am looking for. Real pictures, without retouches and photoshops. In a few steps I placed the hustle free order. the assistants highly friendly, not pushy, helpful. greetings to Grace, she was the one that supported me after sales

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

it's not a Rolex-like packaging, but it's very pleasant, secure, with greeting and maintenance cards inside. I liked that the package is very well protected from impacts. No chane for my watch to break on the way

delivery: very fast. i guess it took 8 days, i might be slightly wrong... either way, it was faster than 14 business days as promised

Products Ordered

Tudor Black Bay

Product Quality

impressed!!!!! right from the start I knew that I couldn't have high expectations for the money I had. It wasn't a large amount, but I couldn't afford more. So, I was ok with any quality. However, when I received my Black bay, I thought that the seller had mistakenly shipped me a Suoper clone, and not a Japanesse rep that I had requested. the quality of the watch is so good.

all those who saw it could not spot any visible difference with the gen model. Impressed! Recommended


out of all my watch-related replica experiences, this seller comforted me the best. absolutely each step of my customer journey was at the highest level, starting with the communication of the assistants, and ending with after-sales service. in addition, he was shocked by the quality of the watch related to its price.

you might not find the watch you want in stock. but all you have to do is to directly message them and they will provide the model you want in just a sec. From what I understood, they always renew their stocks with the most freshly-released models, which is why the site might show "not in stock"

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