Have you ever had the experience of buying a replica watch that looked overwhelming on the website but totally inappropriate at the time of arrival? When I say “inappropriate” I mean a watch of low quality, whose color started to fade within 2 months. Well, I had such an experience in the past and since then I became extremely careful with the replica watch selection. Better said, with the online store offering replica watches.
As a matter of fact, it was my fault for receiving such a poor-quality watch. I didn’t do my research to search the reviews of that site. I didn’t read important aspects I should have, so my watch was totally different from what I ordered. Finally, I could get my money back, but the overall experience was not pleasant at all.
Hence, I try to leave my reviews for as many stores as possible, so that every future customer can find out more about different stores.
Today, I will talk about bestclones1.sr. I hope many potential customers will find valuable information.
About bestclones1.sr
This online store is designed to offer replica watches. As far as we can see from the main page, the vendor proposes Rolex replica timepieces exclusively, without including any other brands. As a result, the first conclusion that we can make is that customers searching for different types of brands will find nothing else than Rolex replicas. Overall, the site looks a little bit different from other online marketplaces. In contrast to stores that place a lot of timepieces on the front page, this one reveals a lot of benefits on its main page.
Unfortunately, there is no About Us page on this platform. To be honest, I always go through the About Us pages since these usually convey the historical information of the store. There, you can find information about how much time the store is active in the business, its values, and its credos. The absence of this piece of information makes me feel a little doubtful about the veracity of the store activity. However, this is not a critical mistake. Some other aspects also can make a customer understand whether the store is responsible or not.
Store homepage
A website homepage has the role to mirror the professionalism of the store. If it looks attractive and accurate, this means that there is a great team behind the scenes. However, this does not always mean that the goods from the store are qualitative. So, be prudent to not fall into the aesthetic trap and keep on investigating other aspects as well.
I have to admit that the bestclones1.sr homepage is a true work of art in terms of web design. The front page emphasizes the most important advantages of the vendor and the quality aspects of the watches it proposes.
The homepage begins with a good-looking banner conveying the message “Best Swiss Replica Rolex Ever Made”. This section makes us understand that we have to deal with Swiss replicas in this store and no Japanese or Asian variations are available here. The minimalist and accurate CTA button “Enter Shop'' delicately invites the customer to discover the portfolio of watches, in case he doesn’t want to discover more from the home page.
Further on...
the homepage displays the advantages of its replica watches. It means that we discover right away that the store proposes Swiss Cloned Movements, 100 % identical to genuine watches, solid 904L stainless steel material, solid 8K gold and platinum wrap for certain timepieces, scratch guard DLC coating, waterproof replica timepieces, bright Superluminova Lume, solid ceramic bezels, anti-magnetic protection, and real Moissanite diamonds. Well, that’s a pretty inviting spectrum of benefits and the visitor of the site is almost convinced of the great replicas from this vendor.
Down the page, the vendor introduces the visitor to the New Rolex Deepsea Gold-Limited edition. By such means, the vendor conveys the message that he continuously releases new collections to delight his customers.
Traditionally, the homepage ends up with the Featured Products and the Latest News from the industry. The News section is not as rich as expected. Only a couple of articles are found there.
An important aspect of the homepage is the Technical Data section that is found on the top menu bar. In this section, you can discover the manufacturing specification of all components found in this store’s watches. In contrast, traditional sections such as FAQ, or Customer Reviews are lacking.
Personal feedback on the homepage
The homepage of bestclones1.sr looks great. The images are qualitative and engaging. The design respects the symmetry, the fonts, and the balance between content and pictures. Everything is intuitive and clean. The only aspect I find disadvantageous is that it’s not clear to me whether the store proposes watches for ladies or not. This information is not evident to the user and he has to explore the website more to find the answer.
Watch collection and price range
As aforementioned, this vendor operates with Rolex replicas exclusively. To discover the entire range of Rolex collections, you have to find the Rolex section on the homepage, in the upper bar. Traditionally, this store proposes all Rolex collections including the Sea-dweller, Submariner, Datejust, Milgauss, Daytona, Explorer, Day Date, Yacht-Master, and GMT-Master. Here is where you can also find the Ladies Watches section. Moreover, this menu also proposes box sets for your Rolex replica.
Once choosing a specific collection, a listing featuring all items displays in front of you. The listing page looks clear, without additional filters or sections. Just the watches from the collection and their prices.
We finally come to the price aspect. Honestly, after the description I have made up to this point, what price range would you be expecting? Well, as you might have intuited, this store is not cheap. It is in the category of expensive replicas. Generally speaking, the prices are not less than about $1,000.
To make it more understandable, let’s take the Rolex Submariner replica. The price range is $1,149-$1,349, depending on the specific model you chose.
As for the Daytona series, the price range is between $1,249-$1, 394. In case you look for a Milgauss replica, you will have to pay no more no less than $1,149.
The balance between quality and price
We already know that no clear prices are to be found in this marketplace. In case you are interested to find out what exactly you receive for this price range, let us take Daytona as an example. A Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 2tone 18K Yellow Gold/904L stainless steel black `Diamond Dial 44 is $ 1,349. For such a price, you get black moissanite diamond markers, DLC scratch-protection coating, a precision within COSC certification limits, among others. All watches come with a full 2 years international manufacturer’s warranty.
I would believe that the balance between price and quality is great unless I wouldn’t know that other stores are offering the same quality, with a difference of $100 cheaper, approximately. I would not dare mention the other online store because I don’t want to advertise here. But, my conclusion is that this store has great quality indeed. However, the prices are a bit overrated. All I can do is suggest you navigate through the best-rated stores where you can compare the price range vs quality.
Loyalty program
I love websites that are customer oriented and offer some additional bonuses. I have in my watch collection a pair of expensive replica watches. To be honest, I bought them because of the great discount I received from the vendor, even though I wasn’t prepared to pay a high price. But, the bonus convinced me and I am proud of my decision up till now.
As for the bestclones1.sr, I can’t say that the store is very generous. The only loyalty program I have seen on the store is that it offers a 25% discount whenever paying via Western Union, Bitcoin, or Bank transfer. As what refers to credit card payments, you pay the full price without any discounts or bonuses.
It would be great if the store would offer some additional discount for all customers, regardless of the type of payment. Alternatively, it could at least offer a discount for the second timepiece, Such an approach would be beneficial for both the vendor and the customer and the customer conversion rate would undoubtedly increase.
Shipping taxes and conditions
The vendor proposes international free shipping. This bonus somehow attenuates the disadvantage of the bonus absence. At least, customers don’t pay anything for the delivery. As a general rule, the shipping can last up to 2-3 weeks. In case the customer requires platinum or gold items, the delivery time is prolonged up to 6 weeks.
The customer has the right to return the product whatever the reason is. An important aspect is that the return should be requested for 1 week upon arrival.
Personal feedback
Bestclones1.sr is an online store for Rolex enthusiasts exclusively. The design of the store is pretty attractive. Every section looks accurate with no heavy content. The shipping is free of charge and that’s great for those who decide to purchase a watch here.
The disadvantages consist of the expensive prices. Not any customer would be ready to pay these prices, despite the great quality. It would be great to include at least some periodic discounts. Otherwise, the decision to buy from here is even harder.