do you guys admit openly your watch is a replica?


Active member
it's also looks stupid when pretending it's a gen while driving a Renault 2007 :D... may Renault lovers forgive me...
if seriously, people kinda became more educated lately and dont look at reps the way they did a couple of years ago... some years ago they would crucify all those who buy rep items.... now they look at least indifferent... I openly admit it
what do u have against that car?๐Ÿ˜‚ my neighbor had one and didn't have trouble with it))
personally, feeling uncomfortable when admitting it... but can't lie


Active member
idk why but i'm not sure that all those admitting so easily here are indeed honest... I can speak frankly about my rep only after making sure that people I talk to have the same position as I do regarding reps... you never know who you are talking to and screaming out loud to the left and to the right might put you under risk... why would u do that?


Active member
I own both gens and a couple of reps. it's kinda impossible (for me at least) to have s lot of gen watches. it is a bit spicy for my budget. S I combine them usually. do I say about it openly? yes, absolutely. my close friends know my position about reps and dome of them are on the same page with me. People that are unfamiliar to me, never asked me about the authenticity of my watch


Active member
I prefer keeping silence and not talk too much about it. so avoid the discussions on the subject. never know who is the person I talk to and what on his mind...
had a Heuer rep and office guys invaded me with questions about what, when, where, etc... couldn't avoid telling them it was a rep... honesty, I could read the disappointment in their eyes and all questions stopped once I told this...
from then on, I keep my mouth shut... it's none of their business. close to me people know that it was a rep, but for stranger, I keep silence


I talk about reps only with people I know for sure have nothing against it. when I first began with the hobby, I was told to not talk too much about this as you never know who stands in front of you. there are extremely negative people about it and talking to them or expressing your point of view bout the matter is not only useless but nerve-wasting as well.
so, keep it silent


Active member
Iโ€™m shocked with the number of people so โ€œhonestโ€ here ๐Ÿ˜‚ most of you claim to admit it openly. HOWEVER, I almost donโ€™t meet people admitting it))))) so, where r u those who openly admit it? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

When I buy a rep, I want the great model and the great brand on my wrist. My problem is that I canโ€™t afford it, so I buy a rep. So, when I buy it, I actually want that feeling of luxury and status that the gen would provide. So, why would I admit itโ€™s a replica if I want people to observe my watch, as it is a statement piece coming from an iconic brand? That the purpose of luxury watches is to make you feel confident, status-like, wealthy, bla bla blaโ€ฆ once I admit it is a rep, I ruin the entire concept of owning a luxury watch, be it a rep.

So, no, I shut my mouth and never say itโ€™s a rep. I can say itโ€™s a gift or a pre-owned watch, but never thatโ€™s a rep. Iโ€™m sorry for fooling people, but it is what it is. Reps give me the possibility to stand out from the crowd for a certain period of time until I gen a real luxury gen
such a hot topic here... I resonate with both those who are honest and those who are reserved...
im always inclined to say the truth indeed, but when I see the faces and the reactions and the comments that are like bullets towards me, I prefer staying quite. let them think its a gen
the less they know, the better for all


Well-known member
"silence is golden"๐ŸคŒ๐ŸคŒ๐ŸคŒ
it's not me saying that, it's philosophers๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
inclined to this position mostly)))
for daily tasks, I usually put on utilitarian watches. when attending special occasions and event, I put on my rep for statement purposes. at such events, there are few people I truly know, most are unfamiliar to me. so, having no problem with just admitting its a GEN :D
I dont really put on reps when im with my people... they know I cant afford a gen ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


so careless to others opinions, really. dont give a sh*t on their opinion and admit it openly without any single frustration
it's not a sin wearing a rep on the wrist, it's a sin being an idiot through the whole life


Active member
see no problems in talking about it openly... who cares?!
many people have fake stuff believing its a real thing. I feel comfortable with my reps, after all it's none of there business what I wear and why I buy fake stuff. at the office where I work, there are a couple of jerks completely against fakes, invoking property laws, illegal counterfeit business etc.., unfortunately, there are so many terrible things happening in the world like organ selling and weapon traffic, that the reps are insignificant compared to those. so, dont see such a big sin in that


Active member
85% of people wearing a luxury watch, wear actually a fake. and if it's to a watch, than it's a pair of Jordans, bags, sunglasses , belts and all kind of stuff like that. so, everyone pretends to be "luxury" in a world of fake. great strategy!!! applauding the holding out!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
I talk about it openly, better honest, than idiot


Active member
dont have reps yet, but planning to get some pieces, a lot of pieces, to be more specific...
actually, never thought that people could have aggressive reactions to reps watches. I mean, why would they be?
I would probably remain indifferent knowing that a person got a rep. it's his business after all, isn't it? why should I care much about it????
now, what shall I expect from people? if you can tell me more in detail....
should I better hide that info?!๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ‘€


Well-known member
dont have reps yet, but planning to get some pieces, a lot of pieces, to be more specific...
actually, never thought that people could have aggressive reactions to reps watches. I mean, why would they be?
I would probably remain indifferent knowing that a person got a rep. it's his business after all, isn't it? why should I care much about it????
now, what shall I expect from people? if you can tell me more in detail....
should I better hide that info?!๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ‘€
well, it's not that they will kill you or rob them away from u๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ believe me, thieves don't really need reps๐Ÿ˜‚
the idea is that most people think that once we embrace the rep hobby, we by default take part in nurturing the counterfeit industry. and fake industry is a discrimination of the big brands, and is thought to be we all are illegals here, get it?!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
some say that we violate the private property of the genuine brands and it's immoral once we support the dark business...
also, some people don't really know much about the rep industry, ad think the once you get yourself a rep, you're a "fake" person, or smth like that.
"you what, like don't afford the gen?" - attitude also can be fro people. so, u never know what to expect, that's the magic and intrigue ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Well-known member
dont have reps yet, but planning to get some pieces, a lot of pieces, to be more specific...
actually, never thought that people could have aggressive reactions to reps watches. I mean, why would they be?
I would probably remain indifferent knowing that a person got a rep. it's his business after all, isn't it? why should I care much about it????
now, what shall I expect from people? if you can tell me more in detail....
should I better hide that info?!๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ‘€
you're kinda weird :DDD no offence) I mean I also just plan to have my first rep but I already know how people look at it))) haven't you tried to ask people around you about reps? Just to share opinions) I did)) and had to listen to so much informational trash about them :DDDD it's so curious to listen to people commenting on something they don't have any idea about :D
still, I WILL have my rep, no matter what)


Active member
if it was some decades ago, I'd probably be ashamed and embarrassed about it and I'd keep it in secret. don't know why would I have told if someone would have asked me about my rep watch. I'd probably get flushed and run away right away๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
now, I don't give a fuckin damn about what other think. why should they care about my watches and why should I care about their opinions?!


Active member
I am indifferent to the replica industry. I do not rule out that someday, I will also buy a replica watch if the need arises. BUT: what bothers me about people, is not the fact that they wear the replica (their business which does not concern me at all), but the fact that they behave like jerks, BELIEVING THAT THE WORLD AROUND WILL BELIEVE THAT THE WATCH IS AUTHENTIC. at least the people I met were behaving in an idiotic way, waving their watch left and right, thinking that the world would swallow their story about its authenticity.
therefore, please, remain human and recognize the truth. you will only have to gain the respect of others, by remaining authentic yourself, and not playing the silly theater!!!!!!


Active member
Never ever had a problem related to this. For my friends is a really twisted story. Some time ago I started to observe how deeply sorry some of my friends were about their replica watches. The funny thing is that their replica watches are actually good-looking and you can never tell that they are replicas. I tried to find out what it is about, but the only thing that they actually explained is that there is not a serious problem with the replica watch that they have, the only thing is that it is related to " I actually know that is a replica and I can't deal with it". don't even ask me:rolleyes: Sincerely, this was extremely difficult for me to understand, it was truly strange.
Why on earth did you buy this replica watch if you never wanted it and it makes you feel so blue?
The second thing that I observed from the same exact people, is that they feel extremely happy is somebody says smth like: " Oh wait, this is a replica watch? Omg, this looks so genuine like you can't ever tell, you are so lucky, help me find such a watch". At this particular moment, they just forget about the fact that two days ago they told me how bad they feel about their replica watches..
What can I say.. for me, this is totally bullshit.. Whether you like it or not, there is no in-between..