do you trust reps ads?

plus 1 here, pls ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
idk, honesty...
I dont know how it works with rep watches, but I know for sure that such new sites prompting themselves are a total trash if it's about clothes or hope apparel. really really trash ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข from my own experience I tell you... so, no reasons to think that with reps is gonna be different... I remain loyal to my TD, eve with a high price for the rep ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
chill... not ll of them are trash. like with replica watches, you just need to know which sites are good for home apparel ad clothes. si situation is identical in both rep watches and clothes. Both have good and reliable suppliers and both have trashy suppliers. it just needs time and experience to find the appropriate ones...

I like the @chip&dale version actually. I think all the reps come more or less from the same factories. we just think there are plenty of them, but inn fact, the number of rep factories is pretty limited. we even don't acknowledge it, but we all here might have reps from the same factories. so another store in the industry is probably nothing else than just a new domain for the site, while the reps are the same

so, why not to get a good discount as a new customer????


Well-known member
no, I dont. it's too hard to find a TD in the replica realm. and once you find it, you have to keep it. why risking it I favor of some unknown new dealers?!


Active member
so many "no" here)) but, how, according to you, should a new dealer start his business?!))) I must refer globally, from the business perspective)
would be tough for a new dealer to find room in the business)
I think I'd give it a try. with so many bad experiences, one more doesn't change much the whole picture. at least, i would have the chance to get a discount, and with a little luck, maybe some great rep)
the point is that eve a TD can sell crap and hackwork once in a while. simply because dealers are intermediaries between customers and factories. hw can a dealer be 100% sure that the rep he sells is a good one? So, there s always an imminent risk, even with trusted dealers. it's not about the dealers and their ads, it's about the factories producing reps. and since there aren't so many of them available, we have to conform)


Well-known member
it took so lg for me to find a good trusted dealer, really, that I'm afraid to experiment something new. I'd probably abstain from ads. so many f my close friends are used order from Ali and similar trashy sources, and each time it's an absolute disappointment... so, o, wouldn't take the risk...


Active member
and me, being a newbie in the field, where do I find the CDs, if not trusting the ads? I don't know yet where to get a good rep, so I have no other solutions than just to try the ads that appear to my social media. and how could I make sure that the dealer behind the ad is not a scam? pls help... :cry::cry::cry: the sources coming from ads are the first that I consider when im thinking about buying a rep, is this the wrong way to go?


Well-known member
and me, being a newbie in the field, where do I find the CDs, if not trusting the ads? I don't know yet where to get a good rep, so I have no other solutions than just to try the ads that appear to my social media. and how could I make sure that the dealer behind the ad is not a scam? pls help... :cry::cry::cry: the sources coming from ads are the first that I consider when im thinking about buying a rep, is this the wrong way to go?
recommendations, always find the dealers through recommendations... if no one around u has reps, than find people in forums and stores rating sites recommending or NOT recommending different dealers... to find a good one requires time and research, especially when it's your first purchase.
for your first watch, wouldn't suggest u go by the ads road...


Well-known member
I work closely with marketing, SMM, and all sorts of ads... I know the trash that these can hide ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
from another point of view, every new business needs marketing and promotion, that's a golden rule. so, in the scenario I come across a new ad from asa new rep store, I'd take a look at it. if it's just recently open, might give it a try. the chances to offer lower the average prices is pretty high. if the ad comes from a long-existing site, then I would check it as I traditionally do: read reviews about it, see its ranking etc... in both case, I'd take a closer look, but wouldn't ignore it all from the first sight)


Well-known member
it's the first time I intend to get myself a rep. and there is low change I'll get it from a random source just based on the promoting ad. Ads are made to sell ni matter what. and most probably, show unreal pics. so, I wouldn't trust. I'd go with recommendations better. but ads, no. who knows what kind of store is that? especially, in an unofficial industry...


Active member
no, I only trust my intuition and my personal research on dealers. if I screw it up, I totally assume. if a trust some doubtful new dealers and they sell me shit, I'm like ready to ruin their business in any possible ways


no, I only trust my intuition and my personal research on dealers. if I screw it up, I totally assume. if a trust some doubtful new dealers and they sell me shit, I'm like ready to ruin their business in any possible ways
would u pls share the ruining strategy? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I think many here would be grateful for sharing your secret...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

in the rep industry, there is no control sadly.... while I usually can react to some ads, I would never react to an ad selling reps) it's almost impossible to check the veracity of the dealer, so see no sense in taking the risk....if you got a TD, hug him and never let's go ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐ŸคŒ


Active member
don' trust SMM reps at all... no matter the industry... I double check every single store I intend to buy from. never rely on ads only. suggest u the same...


Active member
guys, sorry, my question may be stupid, but there's something that doesn't connect in my head...
I keep reading the comments of this thread and I have the impression that for many of you, the advertisements promoted on social networks flow continuously in your profiles...
personally, i have never met any. and I don't even need it because I wouldn't buy from them anyway...

but my question is: do replica watch dealers make ads? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ™€ I mean, don't they risk it? had I not read this thread, I would never have imagined that they expose themselves so much. after all, it is a dark business and it should not be displayed so openly, especially on networks like Facebook, which has so many problems with data confidentiality. Do you get what I mean?๐Ÿ‘€

I, who would run a not-quite-legal business, wouldn't promote myself too much through smm advertising. What If my promotion comes to the attention of the authorities? they could easily identify where I post from, where I am located and so on... is it rational to advertise something that is considered illegal?! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง


Active member
guys, sorry, my question may be stupid, but there's something that doesn't connect in my head...
I keep reading the comments of this thread and I have the impression that for many of you, the advertisements promoted on social networks flow continuously in your profiles...
personally, i have never met any. and I don't even need it because I wouldn't buy from them anyway...

but my question is: do replica watch dealers make ads? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ™€ I mean, don't they risk it? had I not read this thread, I would never have imagined that they expose themselves so much. after all, it is a dark business and it should not be displayed so openly, especially on networks like Facebook, which has so many problems with data confidentiality. Do you get what I mean?๐Ÿ‘€

I, who would run a not-quite-legal business, wouldn't promote myself too much through smm advertising. What If my promotion comes to the attention of the authorities? they could easily identify where I post from, where I am located and so on... is it rational to advertise something that is considered illegal?! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง
have u heard about VPN? that's at least one of the possibilities to get away from your location...
on the whole, it's not the factories who make ads after all, it's the intermediaries. and for intermediaries, it is not a problem to change domain of the sites, or even build a new one, moving the whole e-commerce from one to another platform...

in short, don't worry ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ they don't take much risks ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Well-known member
due to rep ads, i get to know more factories and dealers. so i might press the "learn more" button just top inspect what the dealer offers. Still, it does not mean that i trust the dealer right away. i still check it on review stores, and read customer reviews. btw, customer reviews aren't fully reliable; plenty of them are artificial so be very cautious when trusting them!


Well-known member
i might take a look at the offer, but that does not necessarily mean that I will buy something... I learned my lesson after a few failed experiences and now I am very cautious before deciding to buy a fake watch))) tbh, I prefer to buy an imitation from a physical boutique rather than online... that way I have fewer risks

many repair shops have fake watches. only the sellers don't offer them to anyone, you have to become friends with them)


Well-known member
might take a look at the offer but won't rush into buying. I no longer trust ads on internet as these are only a marketing tool too attract attention but do not warranty quality and reliability. better buying from the TDs that you've been knowing for years


Well-known member
already no!!! I know how advertising works, I come from this industry, so no sir! don't trust it! the most I can do is take a look at the ad to see what's new in this industry, nothing more than that. I get my reps from trusted dealers and don't plan changing anything. And, here is a trick! all new stores offering new reps get their watches from the same factories that hundreds of other stores have already been doing for years. So, basically, you'll just get the same watch from another (new) seller, in the best case. In the worst case, you get a crap for big money simply because you fall into the trap of some scammers who know how to draw beautiful selling pictures wiht "perfect" reps


Active member
I run across some ads on TikTok recently, showcasing rep watches from a manufacturing factory. can't say that I immediately bought a rep from them, but at least, it caught my attention. clicked on the "visit us" and was redirected to the factory (not sure if I am I have the right to mention it in the forum rules) well, I actually didn't know that rep factories and dealers are allowed to run ads on social platforms. parents they supposed to be illegal? how's that then that they make themselves so obvious?! secondly, since I'm a rep watch hobbyist, I do react at these ads๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ at least just for fun and to know what's new out there