Just Broken My fake Rolex Screen

hello everyone,
hope you can help me with that
i accidentally dropped my rep Sub a few hours ago and its screen has cracked so bad.... I don't think it can be repaired, but rather it will be necessary to change it

the problem is that I don't know where to turn because I assume that the repair shop might call the police when they understand that it's fake. I am in Delaware, US. I haven't heard of similar cases, but I can't be sure that it won't happen to me either:D

what can i do? maybe I should give up the idea of taking it to the repair shop?! I really care about this fake watch


eeeemmmmmm....... :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure: and why should they call the police?!
because it's a fake?)) as far as I know, there are no laws in the US for repair experts to call the police when they have to deal with a fake...

in addition, I think that if you pay them well, they have no reason to call the police 😂
repair shops have nothing to do with rep watches) they don't really give a damn what kind of watch you have... as long as you pay them for the repair, they would gut with your rep
well, i was kinda thinking that if it's a fake, they would want to inform the police... I know that in Switzerland, everyone who deals with whatever fake good, can call the police to report it... the fines are very high for that violation) so, just wondering)
Switzerland is the mother of luxury watches) I don't rule out that the rules are very strict there) but here, I don't think it is regulated so drastically. even if you take it to an official Rolex, the maximum they will do is reprimand you and smash it up for you. but not more than that


Active member
it's not easy to replace a fake crystal for a fake rolex)) most likely they won't have a replacement alternative, unless they put a crystal from a regular rolex, which would cost you more than a new fake watch :D but at least they won't call the police


Well-known member
here is the reason why it is better to overpay for a gen rolex instead of a fake one) a gen watch would not crack its gen sapphire crystal as easily as your rep.... I know that gens are much more expensive but the resistance is much safer and more durable


Well-known member
@SoniQUE55923 I would suggest you to consider buying another rep. crystal replacement could cost you too much and you never know how long it will last

@Cinar73967 it would be much better without related comments here.... you cant compare a 250$ price with a 25,000 one. the difference is too big to be able to afford a gender instead of a fake


Well-known member
@Cinar73967 gimme a break.... as if gens would cost $300 to afford them as easily as you say.....

@SoniQUE55923 as previously mentioned, I recommend avoiding going to a Rolex dealer, as they will not understand your point in having a rep watch. it is unlikely that they will call the police, but you will certainly get some awkward looks

I also agree to consider a new fake instead of repair, the repair wouldn't be reasonable in your case because the overall replica watch lifespan is not long enough to be worth the investment


Well-known member
I'm the one laughing in the emoji 😂 sorry, you made me laugh)) it's obvious that you can't compare the US market with the Swiss market, which is the mother of luxury watches. The US has registered an unprecedented amount of fake watches and they continue to be sold and bought hardly, without being somehow controlled and tracked... meanwhile, we can still buy, sell, and even repair replica watches without problems. the only problem that the repair centers will face is the lack of certain details for rep watches, but not the fact that it is a rep. i bet many of them who repair watches even sell rep watches or at least, they buy their own)))

so no worry, go and ask directly.... after all, tell them you found this watch and you want to check it and fix it 😂😂😂😂 this way you wash yourself of any guilt😂


Well-known member
I had similar doubts when I was planning to take my breitling rep for lubrication. it seemed to me that no master would tackle it and even sue me because I have a rep😂 in fact, this does not happen, at least in the US, I don't know of other countries with other regulations. fake goods are really against the law. if there is someone who will hold you accountable for them, it will certainly not be the repairmen)


Well-known member
if you are in the US, you are unlikely to have any problems with the repair of the watch. Here it is normal for repa8r services to deal with reps because the replica watch industry is huge. so, no big deal with your issue. it is possibly more difficult in European countries, especially in those where luxury goods are produced, such as Switzerland or Italy


Well-known member
it depends on which shop you go to. There are those who won't touch a finger on a replica, even if it's a Swiss copy or whatever you want... but there are few of those... as a rule, every repair man is happy to have some work to get paid for to win the existence, so your paying to him will most likely comfort him up MORE THAN CALLING THE POLICE)) what you should worry about is actually the quality of the repair work). I hope he doesn't damage more than it already was ) 🤞


Well-known member
you don't have to worry... the worst that can happen is to get a "NO"... nothing more... many of the repair watch professionals will agree to work with your fake watch... another concern is the quality of the repair, this is where you have to worry))) you should make sure that the components used by the craftsmen are not of inferior quality... acrylic grass instead of sapphire crystal, for example , in your case


Well-known member
just try your luck at any repair shop))) after all, you say it's a gift, or that you found it I don't know where:DDDD you have no reason to be held responsible :D