it's like you're my grandfather who always thinks that when he was young, the world was better and the sausages were tastier 

I don't understand why you see modernization and progress as something negative. what today you think is low quality, will seem perfect to you in 50 years, when you will see the future trends

I think that modern watches are very wise and effective in all perspectives. the materials are better and more durable, the mechanisms are more efficient because they are made with the help of high-performance technologies, maybe it is not much better, but in any case, it is not worse than the watches of previous years. it is simply different, but by no means inferior

I don't understand why you see modernization and progress as something negative. what today you think is low quality, will seem perfect to you in 50 years, when you will see the future trends

I think that modern watches are very wise and effective in all perspectives. the materials are better and more durable, the mechanisms are more efficient because they are made with the help of high-performance technologies, maybe it is not much better, but in any case, it is not worse than the watches of previous years. it is simply different, but by no means inferior