hi there...
just wanted to share my experience maybe i can be helpful for others thinking to buy a replica smartwatch. recently i got mine... terrible quality. The truth is that I paid a little for it, about $10. Obviously, you can't expect quality for this price.
But I think they are all the same, and the price differs only because each dealer puts his own addition to the price to get more revenue. Precisely for this reason, I did not want to take something more expensive, although models were available for $50, $70.
The idea is that the fake smartwatch looks good, but only from the outside. Obviously, it is much more lightweight than a regular smart watch. but the worst part is when I turned it on, the ledscreen flickered terribly. It is extremely pixelated and resembles a screen from children's toys with super mario.
It has some functions, obviously not as complex as in a real smartwatch. Basically, it shows the time, tracks the steps I take in a day, etc,,, so some basic features. But the touchscreen is very unresponsive. While you can set everything with the tip of your finger gently on an iwatch, for example, with my fake watch I need some strength to adjust it and make the functions on the display react to my tasks.
in short, DON'T buy! like a toy watch for children, it might do. But for an adult who wants full functionality, it's a waste of time and nerves.
PS: don't ask me why I didn't get a genuine smartwacth. I do have one, and the fake was bought just for testing and curiosity.
My conclusion: fake luxury watches such as Rolex, Patek, Tudor, etc. are worth buying... rep factories have learned to produce them in decent quality, not all, but still. But what about smartwacth fakes NEVER, NEVER DO THIS MISTAKE!
just wanted to share my experience maybe i can be helpful for others thinking to buy a replica smartwatch. recently i got mine... terrible quality. The truth is that I paid a little for it, about $10. Obviously, you can't expect quality for this price.
But I think they are all the same, and the price differs only because each dealer puts his own addition to the price to get more revenue. Precisely for this reason, I did not want to take something more expensive, although models were available for $50, $70.
The idea is that the fake smartwatch looks good, but only from the outside. Obviously, it is much more lightweight than a regular smart watch. but the worst part is when I turned it on, the ledscreen flickered terribly. It is extremely pixelated and resembles a screen from children's toys with super mario.
It has some functions, obviously not as complex as in a real smartwatch. Basically, it shows the time, tracks the steps I take in a day, etc,,, so some basic features. But the touchscreen is very unresponsive. While you can set everything with the tip of your finger gently on an iwatch, for example, with my fake watch I need some strength to adjust it and make the functions on the display react to my tasks.
in short, DON'T buy! like a toy watch for children, it might do. But for an adult who wants full functionality, it's a waste of time and nerves.
PS: don't ask me why I didn't get a genuine smartwacth. I do have one, and the fake was bought just for testing and curiosity.
My conclusion: fake luxury watches such as Rolex, Patek, Tudor, etc. are worth buying... rep factories have learned to produce them in decent quality, not all, but still. But what about smartwacth fakes NEVER, NEVER DO THIS MISTAKE!