u are right but i think that we start to talk about it, and if any of us is going to write about what they actually think it is going to be confusing. me 2. have a lot of thoughts about the quality of replicas... during 30 years i have seen to many different things, and i think that there is never going to be one universal truth. the quality standards based on levels ....how should it be applied? i mean... one single supplier can have much different quality of rep watches. some of them are good some of them are bad... really bad.. i have seen it so many times. so for newbies, and i see that there are a lot of newbies that are not that informed and maybe know nothing bout the rep world this is a little bit confusing.@EasyPeasY57299 you should have appointed at the beginning of the post that it is your exclusive subjective opinion. people take your post as the absolute truth about reps, and it isn't. some of the points you mention are right, but some of them are disputable or even wrong.
You seriously confuse people on your 2nd point about quality grades. According to your opinion, there are no grades at all, which is not true. The 3rd point is partially true. The 4th one is complete confusion. You cant compare yes with low-quality reps. Itโs obvious that the fakes will be easily spotted. You should take a high-quality rep as an example to compare. Or better yet, provide some pictures you took, once youโve performed such a deep analysis.
Your post is not 100% proven and has a lot of disputable aspects in it
if the newbie is going to use ur points on diff. online stores i think that he is going to go crazy... we need to share here a diff. scale to make them understand that there is never a list of "to dos" that they can apply to every single online store that they find..