In case you have decided to buy a replica watch, I can only congratulate you. I am pretty sure that finding a great replica timepiece is possible. Even though there are thousands of online stores that might look doubtful, there are high chances to come across promising timepieces that will serve you long. I have already bought a couple of `Rolex and Constantin Vacheron replicas, and I can say that I’m pretty satisfied with their quality, price, and design.
All I can say is that finding a qualitative replica takes some effort. But, you deserve the best, as any customer does, therefore, spending a quick investigation will not do you harm. Never underestimate the value of a watch website analysis. Only through detailed inspection, you will be able to identify the trust degree in one or another replica watch store.
I will leave a quick overview of the website since it’s the one that I’ve recently discovered. I really hope you find it helpful for you and will aid you in the selection process. presentation
This is a website engaged in manufacturing and delivering replica watches. According to the content found on the store, the website proposes a variety of cheap replicas. In the same context, the vendor promises professional technology and high quality. Personally, for me, it’s very hard to correlate these two aspects: cheap and qualitative. In my opinion, cheap means cheap, even in the quality aspect. But, let it be only my personal opinion.
As far as we can see on the About Us page, which is so difficult to find, by the way, the store operates with replica watches of the following brands: Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Rolex, Cartier, Omega, Chopard, Vacheron Constantin, and other major trademarks.
Regardless of that the About Us page enumerates a large spectrum of brands, but the Homepage displays a piece of totally different information: only Rolex replicas. This informational conflict makes me doubt a little bit about the transparency of the store.
Store homepage
The homepage of a website should reflect the accuracy and the professionalism of the entire team that works behind it. The homepage generates a feeling of heaviness when you first open it.
It’s one of the kinds of stores in which black dominates. The first banner displays a black watch face on which a piece of content is placed. The negative part is that the text is hardly readable since the letters are white and get lost on the back and white background.
There is a menu bar at the top of the homepage. It comes with the following sections: Home, Shop, Automatic, Men’s, Black Dial, Blue Dial, and Contacts. In case you select the Shop section to discover all the brands promised on the About Us page, you come across 16 Rolex collections placed in alphabetical order. No other brands are available here. This means that the store, in fact, operates only with one type of replica: Rolex replica.
The automatic section displays the replica watches featuring this specific type of movement.
I’m curious to find out why the vendor emphasized the Men category only, excluding the Women’s watches. I had to use the filter tool in order to see the Ladies’ watches. For me, it’s a bit strange that the vendor omitted to include ladies’ watches as a separate section. It smells like discrimination.
Down the page, we see a small listing with Swiss replica watches, which makes us realize that the vendor has Swiss-made replicas, among other types.
Further on, we see some categories featuring the Daytona, the Datejust, and the Oyster Perpetual Rolex replicas. In addition to these categories, there is a phrase saying that “When you are here, you no longer need to search for the best replica watch on the streets of Hong Kong and Dubai”. I don’t know what you conclude from this statement, but what I conclude is that the store operates in Hong Kong and Dubai. I don’t know if this information is true or false, but at least this is what I understood.
The homepage finishes with a piece of information referring to some basic recommendations to take into account when buying a replica watch.
Price range
The price range is always a disputable subject. Some watch enthusiasts find that paying about $1,000 for a qualitative replica watch is ok, whenever the quality is long-lasting and whenever there is a warranty available. On the other hand, other watch aficionados don’t see any reason in paying such an amount of money, claiming that a great replica watch can cost about 700-800 $. As a matter of fact, everybody decides for himself what amount of money to pay. Since we all have different incomes, no one has the right to judge the amount we are ready to pay.
I won’t say that this store is expensive or cheap. I’ll simply bring some price range examples so that you can decide whether this platform seems cost-effective or not.
For instance...
So, let’s begin with the Rolex Submariner (since there are no other brands) model. As a reference, we’ll take a look at Rolex Submariner Men’s 116610LN Silver-tone Automatic. Its starting price is 129 Sterlings. Therefore, you can select the type of movement and the price adapts according to it. Similar to other stores, the selection comprises the following types of movement: A replica, AAA replica, and AAAAA replica. The 129 sterlings are for the A replica version. The AAA replica version is 499 sterlings, while the AAAAA replica comes with a 1,099 sterlings price.
This type of Rolex replica features a Swiss-made 2836 movement and a 316 stainless steel case. In addition, the vendor claims that the waterproof ability is up to 100 meters. However, the automatic movement is just daily waterproof. Customers that need the 100 meter waterproof have to order the service additionally.
In my humble opinion, 1,00 sterlings for a 316 stainless steel case is a bit expensive. Sterlings are more valuable than American dollars and if converted, the price is indeed high. Honestly, I find the prices overrated. By the way, you can’t convert the prices into another currency. You see them in sterlings and this is the only version of currency displayed.
Shipping and warranty policies
It took me about 20 minutes to search for the pages indicating some info about the shipping and the warranty policies. Finally, I gave up, without finding these pages. These pages are not intuitive at all and if they exist on the website, it’s impossible to find them.
Now, the question: how can I trust a store when it doesn’t transparently display one of the most important informational aspects? I, as a potential customer, wanted to find out whether the vendor sells its items internationally or only to a limited number of countries. In addition, I wanted to find out whether the shipping is free of charge or involves some taxes. I, finally, wanted to know which warranty policies are available to understand if I’m safe in case I’m not satisfied with the item received.
Unfortunately, none of this information is possible to find. This makes b]me seriously question the professionalism of this online store.
Loyalty programs
Every online store must have a loyalty program to turn its customers into loyal ones. It is always pleasant to receive some discounts or, at least, some % off with your next purchases. As for in particular, there is one single type of discount met in the store. The current prices seem to be already discounted. For example, the Rolex President Day-Date Diamond watch 18238 comes with the standard price of 679 Sterlings. This final price is displayed as a discounted one since there is the 720 sterling price cut next to the current one. The vendor uses such a marketing tool to convince the customer that the prices are already discounted.
This is the only support loyalty program on No current sales, no discounts for the second timepiece, nothing. Unfortunately, the loyalty program didn’t convince me that this store is great to buy from.
Bottom line has a lot of issues to solve, in my humble opinion. To begin with, it should clarify what replicas it proposes: only Rolex or many other brands as well. This confusion in the content makes the customer feel fooled.
The overall design is heavy. I’m not impressed with the picture on it. I’m neither impressed by the structure of the homepage. No symmetry, no balance between images and content, no visual clarity.
I can’t say that the prices of this store are truly justified by the quality. The 316b stainless steel does not cost about 1,000 sterlings. This is a nice try of the vendor to sell medium-quality watches at expensive prices. Moreover, the loyalty program, which is by no means attractive, is not convincing at all.
There is a big problem with the most important information: warranty and return policies, and shipping. It simply lacks. Can I trust this store? No, I can’t. I don’t want to insist on my opinion, it’s a subjective one. However, I advise you to check for yourself and compare the store with other alternatives. You might like the most-rated stores to help you discover the difference between them and other competitive stores. In case you still find this store useful, at least, talk to a customer support representative to find out information about the warranty policy.