Among all the other things that I appreciate in the replica watch industry, I am grateful for the replica store reviews. Based on my own experience, I can state that these are valuable and helped me make the right choice every time I bought a replica watch. And I have a pretty wonderful collection since I’m a watch enthusiast. Thanks to the customers' reviews I could make the difference between which site is a good option to buy from, and which one is a scam. And believe me, there are a lot of scam stores, unfortunately.
In my turn, I also start leaving reviews for different sites, in the hope to help someone make up a conclusion. I not trying to influence anyone's opinion. You can make your own investigation, up to you. I try to be as objective as possible so that any customer can find some answers for himself.
I recently came across the store and I will try to sum it up. Optimistically, it will serve you.
Quick overview is an online store providing replica watches. At the first glance, it is understandable that the store comprises different brands and different grades of replica manufacturing. It is a big marketplace, with over 7000 watches. The homepage represents mainly a listing of watches. I cannot say that this homepage is the most attractive of all that I’ve seen. It's typical, with a simple architecture and intuitive. The watch photos from the homepage are pretty accurate and straightforward. They display the watches' faces and are not the kind of photos with an appealing and inviting look.
Down the main page, the second half covers a content part that speaks about the main values and strengths of this store. It writes about the daily usability of the watches, their safety, affordability, and stylish look. All in one, this piece of information is pretty valuable since the customer feels like being invited to explore more.
The bottom line comprises all important sections. These include the About Us page, Delivery, Payments, UK Shipping, Warranty, and Returns, Watch Winding, Quality Control, and Contact Us pages. All page links work smoothly, load fast, and are full of updated content.
The main page definitely doesn’t attract by the visual aspect. However, its strong features are in the informational transparency. Everything is placed where it should be and is easily attainable by the customer.
Watch Collections
The store proposes a wide watch collection. The exploration begins with the upper sections from the homepage that includes: New Replica Watches, Swiss Replica Watches, Swiss Rolex Watches, Japanese Replicas, Japanese Rolex, Ladies Replicas, and Boxes. Therefore, you can go to the section you need and the information is very well structured. Once you place the cursor on any of these sections, you come across an astonishing portfolio of brands. To make the selection even easier, the portfolio comes in alphabetical order. In addition, you can select your watch using the Sort By menu. There you can sort by price and model. The store also gives you the possibility to select the number of items per page, so that it doesn’t look filled and heavy.
The prices on the do not seem inflated. They come in accordance with the category of selection. For example, if we talk about Swiss-made Rolex, we all know that they are not the cheapest ones. In this store, you will find Swiss-made Rolex with approximate prices of $549, $689, $789, and $1,100.
On the other hand, If we talk about the Japanese Rolex, this can be found at $199, $229, and $269. Again, it is a normal price for Japanese models.
Therefore, I can state that the prices are quite ok with this store. You can inspect the quality of every watch through a large number of pictures on every watch profile. Also, there you find detailed information about the water resistance, the type of stainless steel, and all additional complications.
Loyalty program
Although the site looks neutral and the prices are moderate, this store has something that not many stores have. It attracts customers via its loyalty program. As a fact, you receive a free Cartier Tank replica in case you purchase a Swiss timepiece. In addition, the more you buy, the more you receive. If purchasing 2 or more Swiss items you get a free Rolex Submariner. Although it is not specified whether the Submariner is also Swiss or Japanese, the attention is what matters the most. This is an attractive promotion. The store might be not catchy through its design, it is catchy with its loyalty program instead.
Payment options
There is nothing specific with the payment methods. These are traditional and imply Visa/ Master cards, as well as Visa electron cards. In addition, offline payment methods are also available. Customers can make either bank transfers or pay via Western Union.
Shipping notes
In order to facilitate the delivery to EU countries, the store has set up a base station in the UK. In case you opt for delivery from the UK to the EU, you will pay an additional fee of $25.
As a general rule, the delivery takes up to 7-10 business days. For the UK to EU deliveries, it might take a couple of days more. The delivery is free of charge for most countries with few exceptions.
Warranty and returns
Generally speaking, the warranty policy covers 1 year. However, I have found certain Swiss Rolex covering 3 years warranty. Therefore, I recommend you to make sure which is the final applicable period via the customer support channels. The vendor suggests writing an email in case certain issues appear since most of them can be handled by the customer.
The vendor is ready to take responsibility for the watch within a year in case the watch displays a manufacturing defect. He will also comply in case the timepiece does not function as specified on the online store.
In such circumstances, the customer is the one who issues the shipping expenses, even though the error can occur on the manufacturer's behalf.
The replacement process follows the same model as the warranty model. In case the customer requests a replacement with another model, the last will pay the price difference.
Warranty does not cover…
-the cracked glass of the watch, that wasn’t caused during the shipping process;
-unreasonable wear of any kind;
-mishandled merchandise by the client.
I found no specifications about the water damage warranty. Most watches indicate a water resistance up to 10 meters. The warranty policy doesn’t mention anything in regard.
Pros and cons
What is really good about this store is the wide collection of watches. There is a low probability you won't find a suitable watch for you. The prices seem ok and take into account that there are additional gifts with a certain purchase. Moreover, I found an additional discount at the end of my navigation. You receive a 10 % discount with any watch, and 20 % with any 2 watches. That's enchanting. I like the informational clarity of the store. Everything is clear enough and no important information is missing. The vendor is highly transparent about all possible fees and stipulates clearly all criteria for the warranty and return policies.
On the other hand, the interface of the website should be more attractive. Maybe some banners or more appealing pictures could be helpful. I would like to see some video materials, at least with the Swiss replicas. They are not cheap and once a customer decides to pay such money, at least he should see the watches from close perspectives via video materials.
I didn't see an instant chat appearing once in a while as it happens in other stores. There is a section mentioning the availability of a customer care assistant to chat with, but the section is not clickable. Therefore, I couldn't understand how exactly I should chat with them.
Final thought
Don't forget to compare at least 3 sources before deciding to buy a watch. When you compare, you easily find the pros and cons for every store. The top-ranked stores bring you the list of most appreciated vendors, so you could start from there.