I am keen on the Swiss watch industry and I love completing my collection with different Swiss replica models. All my friends know that there isn’t a greater pleasure for me than to receive a gift card for the next Swiss replica watch. As any customer that knows a thing or two about the replica industry, I know that there are different replicas, from a quality point of view. During my entire collecting period, I have come across Asian, Swiss, and Japanese replicas and I can definitely state that the Swiss ones have no concurrents.
One of the lessons I’ve learned during my watch collection completion is that the website of a replica store has a lot to say about the professionalism of a replica watch vendor. The website is the mirror of the vendor’s attitude towards his business. In addition, the online store has frequently hidden messages that let you know whether an online source is a trustworthy one or not.
Recently, I have discovered another online source offering Swiss replica timepieces. I’ll take each section step by step and leave my review here. I hope that other customers that also pay attention to stores’ online platforms will consider it while looking for a perfect replica watch.
All about swissreplica.nu
As far as it is clear from the name of the site, this online store focuses on Swiss replicas exclusively. Therefore, any customer visiting the page for the first time automatically comes with certain expectations. The expectations are based on the general concept that Swiss-made goods are immaculate from a quality standpoint, regardless of the industry.
The store began its activity in 1996, selling its replica goods to jewelry dealers worldwide. Currently, this store is a wholesale distributor of Swiss replica watches to Europe, the Caribbean, and the US countries. On the other hand, swissreplica.nu is not affiliated with any other site. It operates independently. According to the site info, this vendor does not operate with any replicas from South Asia. On the contrary, all replica watches come from Switzerland and are manufactured by Swiss masters.
Available watches on swissreplica.nu
This vendor has a single brand for sale. It is about Rolex replicas. Therefore, watch enthusiasts who look for other brands will not find any other brand here. This vendor focuses on the most iconic trademark. The portfolio of Rolex replica watches includes all the brand collections. Hereupon, the following series are present in the store: Submariner, Sea Dweller, GTM-Master II, DateJust 41, DateJust II, DateJust 36, Day-Date 40, Milgauss, Daytona, Explorer, and Yacht-Master.
In addition to the men’s watch collection, the vendor proposes Ladies Models in a separate section, so that Ladies go directly to their necessary page.
As an additional bonus, the vendor proposes a Rolex Box Set for sale. The variety is not rich at all; only one box model is available on the platform.
While navigating through the watch collection, I vase observed that the speed is a little impaired. Therefore, inpatient customers might be disturbed by the slightly defective speed of navigation.
Swissreplica.nu homepage
I have to admit that the interface of the website is pretty clean, engaging, and inviting. Everything looks pleasant to the eye and all visual elements harmonize with each other. Every customer can easily discover the most seductive advantages of the store. This is because they are present right on the homepage. Unlike other online replica stores that prefer over-loading their homepage with watch listings, this one preserves the space to write about its main assets. Therefore, directly from the homepage we easily conclude that the vendor proposes:
- best-grade replicas manufactured in Switzerland,
- the timepieces look 100% identical,
-these are waterproof tested,
-watches feature 904L steel and 18K gold,
-all come with a high-end luminescence effect;
-the manufacturers use DLC coating,
-the timepieces feature reliable sapphire crustal,
-here you can find watches with ceramic bezels,
-here you can find watches containing Moissanite diamonds.
Down the page, the vendor conveys the message that the timepieces have up to 300 meters of waterproof potential.
The second half of the homepage consists of some Latest News, or Blog articles, in other words. Further on, you can get acquainted with customers’ reviews that have previously purchased from this store, and obviously, are more than satisfied.
The bottom line is preserved for the most important links to the About Us page, customer Care channels, Terms and Conditions, and Shipping details.
I truly like that the homepage is done correctly. There are only a few timepieces present on it, while the rest of the content conveys the advantages of the store. As a result, any customer understands from the very beginning what the standard of this store is and what exactly it proposes.
swissreplica.nu price range
While analyzing the homepage of the watch store, I intuited that the replica watches are far from being affordable. And I wasn’t wrong. As far as it seems, the watches’ quality is indeed astonishing. Hence, the prices cannot be minimal.
A replica Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 2Tone 18K Yellow Gold/904L Steel Back Diamond `dial 40 mm is rated at $1,349,00. The features of the watch are immaculate. However, it’s not for my budget. As a collector, I would rather spend this money on two replica timepieces, instead of only one unit. Even though the quality seems to be flawless, it is still too expensive for me.
A replica Rolex Submariner 904L steel Black Dial Ceramic Bezel 40 mm is rated at $1,149,00. Again, great design and imitation, but far too expensive for me. I compared the prices from this store with a couple of others and I found similar quality with a little less price. You can check by yourself. I used top-rated stores for inspiration and this source offered some nice alternatives. While comparing, I concluded that this store is a bit overrated in price.
The conclusion is that swissreplica.nu offers replica watches for a specific target audience. It is for customers who are ready to spend over $1,000 on their replicas. Cheaper alternatives are not available here. Although the quality is promising, I suggest checking for alternatives in order to compare. I did find a little bit more affordable stores for the same quality. It might be your case as well.
I hoped that even though the store had “biting” prices, it might have at least some additional offers and discounts that could make the purchase more affordable. As far as I investigated, the vendor proposes the following discount: all customers paying via Bitcoin, Bank Wire, or Western Union get 25% off the price. That’s all.
No other offers or loyalty programs are proposed. And that’s a pity since loyalty programs are tools that help transform potential customers into real ones. If I wasn’t acknowledged with plenty of other online stores, maybe the Western Union discount would be enough for me. But, I know there are plenty of alternatives that propose 10, 20, or 50 % off with every purchase, a watch box or a wallet as a gift, for instance. This store, unfortunately, left me a bit disappointed from the loyalty point of view. I’m sorry for my repetition, but top-rated stores are indeed able to give you great loyalty programs. Check for the most rated sources.
Return policies and warranties
The good side of the platform consists of its warranty and refund policies. The information covers all potential risks and circumstances. Therefore, any customer wows his rights and obligations before placing an order.
The shipping covers all possible countries in the world and it is absolutely free of charge. All customer orders are trackable for their progress. The customer has 14 days from the moment he receives the delivered item to initiate a return process. Usually, the shipping can last up to 2-3 weeks. Whenever a customer buys platinum or extra gold, the delivery is prolonged for up to 6 months.
All replica watches from swissreplica.nu come with a standard warranty period of 2 years. In addition, customers can order a special Warranty Card with Infrared Hologram that matches the Rolex model. This special card does not prolong the warranty period. It just represents an additional exclusive accessory that makes the customers feel unique. The service is $50 in addition to the watch price.
A final thought/personal opinion
The store has both advantages and disadvantages. From the aesthetic aspect and web design point of view, it is flawless. It looks attractive, smooth, and clean. On the other hand, I would also like to see some video materials. The pictures look well, but I'm not sure if the real watches look exactly the same. Therefore, some video materials would increase the level of credibility.
As for the trustworthiness, I don't question the high quality of the store. It is indeed promising. But, I'm not sure if the prices aren’t a bit overrated. Therefore, you can check and compare them to similar alternatives. Based on the info that I have found, the same quality can be bought with slightly fewer expenses.
The lack of a loyalty program is what hurts the most, in my opinion. I can admit that a store proposes high prices whenever it comes with some attractive offers. In such circumstances, I would be more prone to become a real customer. Otherwise, I’m tempted to look for alternatives.