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Replica Stores A admin April 23, 2022 2900
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating


total scam with this dealer. 4 months ago, I wanted to buy a watch from here. the dealer assured me that he offers top quality replicas at factory price because he has exclusive conditions with it. so, I asked for a Heuer model, the dealer told me that he doesn't have it in stock, but if I pay half the price in advance - he can get the watch as soon as possible. According to him, he needed an advance to reserve the watch from the factory, because the model is a rare one and can be bought at any time by someone else... so, I made the advance half payment of 50% of the price... now, I enter the website and there is another page opening in the same domain. I don't know how to contact the dealer, because obviously I didn't get my watch or the money back.

it's my fault that I didn't make sure of this dealer. either way, I don't hope to receive money or watch, but at least I leave this review here so you know that the dealer is a scammer in every sense of the word

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