hey keep upI’ve also noticed that people change their minds along the way. In the beginning, they are severely reticent to reps until they see that plenty of people around them have them. In the end, they also buy the first rep, then the second, and the third…In my case, I prefer staying silent… not ready to admit it openly yet…maybe I need a little more time to get prepared to face the disgusting glances at me… both times I’ve been asked about reps, I told it was my father’s gen gift //
all of us owning reps are viewed as stupid idiots by some jerksI once pretended that my rep was gen as I lacked enough courage to admit it... I cant forget the stupid idiot I felt trying to look authentic... never, never in my life again I made that mistake...
once I decided to have this hobby, I have to be honest to myself snd to others and admit the truth... after all, I down steal anything from no one and I completely assume all the risks and consequences. so what should I worry about? those who dont share the same opinion, I wish them good luck in owning a gen for some thousands of dollars
agree...you dont need to be a big expert to spot that it's a fake. so, when you dont admit it, pretending its a gen, you just look like an idiot. so, just trying to be honest