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Honestly, I didn't expect such good quality of this replica. I love Breitling and all its watches. I had decided to get a replica for my personal satisfaction. I had no expectations at all, especially since the last Breitling replicas, people said, were not a big deal in terms of quality.
I was struggling between 2 factories, and the dealer from whom I bought the watch insisted on JF, and thank God, I'm glad I listened to him!!!!
I hope the pictures convey the quality of the dial, which I am more and more impressed with. No trace of a blue hue on the crystal. And the crystal does not reflect absolutely at all. The dial seems a bit busy, but believe me, it will take you 5 minutes to get used to all the Chronos and indicators. The contrast of colors and all the indexes are placed very logically giving you a very high readability.
Personally, I opted for the bracelet version; I can't switch to straps because I don't find myself in this style. The bracelet was a bit long; if you have a big wrist, you won't have any problems with fitting. I removed about 6 links from it to make it shorter.
Be careful with links; I took them out easily, but they are quite complicated to put back.
Initially, it seemed to me that the bracelet was a bit stiff in mobility. But I solved it easily with a little special oil.
Overall, it exceeded my expectations. Very well done, starting with the technical part and ending with the smallest details of the design!!!
I am attaching some pictures that I hope convey what I have in reality!!!
I was struggling between 2 factories, and the dealer from whom I bought the watch insisted on JF, and thank God, I'm glad I listened to him!!!!
I hope the pictures convey the quality of the dial, which I am more and more impressed with. No trace of a blue hue on the crystal. And the crystal does not reflect absolutely at all. The dial seems a bit busy, but believe me, it will take you 5 minutes to get used to all the Chronos and indicators. The contrast of colors and all the indexes are placed very logically giving you a very high readability.
Personally, I opted for the bracelet version; I can't switch to straps because I don't find myself in this style. The bracelet was a bit long; if you have a big wrist, you won't have any problems with fitting. I removed about 6 links from it to make it shorter.
Be careful with links; I took them out easily, but they are quite complicated to put back.
Initially, it seemed to me that the bracelet was a bit stiff in mobility. But I solved it easily with a little special oil.
Overall, it exceeded my expectations. Very well done, starting with the technical part and ending with the smallest details of the design!!!
I am attaching some pictures that I hope convey what I have in reality!!!