hesalite is found specifically in the rep watches from the Omega series. at least I haven't met hesalite with other types of reps. This is because the luxury brands don't really produce them, and the replica manufacturers don't really use this material either. replica factories in most cases more or less imitate the materials of the original models. Hesalite is not often found in luxury brands, they opt more for sapphire crystal.honestly, I didn't really have watches with hesalite. in fact, I didn't have any at all. I always opted for sapphire xtal.. and I am quite satisfied. after sin pushed me to get my first replica watch with an acrylic crystal, never since then have I experimented, staying true to sapphire.....
well, then I was a student and I didn't really have anywhere to buy anything expensive. it was important to have a watch on my hand, even if it was an acrylic one
either way, do you think it's worth trying something on hesalite?!
Omega uses this material, and some replicas have it. truth is I don't really know how they behave, and how "hesalite" is the hesalite in the reps. I don't know anyone coming across such a rep.
For my safety, I'm for the sapphire crystal.